
Cease & Desist

If you are a clinician who is not certified in the use of the Stone Tongue Thrust Protocol you need to read this. It is important.

For those of you who know me, you know that there are few things I enjoy more than teaching. I love it when the light bulb goes on and a new concept is learned or a new skill developed.  I really love it when an individual is able to implement that teaching and do it as well as, or better than, the teacher.  Likewise, I also tend to be very generous in my teaching and keep it positive. I tend to teach by a carrot, not the stick…BUT

The time has come for me to bring out the stick.

You may not be aware that the Stone Tongue Thrust Protocol (STTP) is a copyrighted intellectual property and in order to have rights to use it you must be trained AND certified in both the assessment and treatment aspects of the STTP. I am aware of individuals and clinics who claim to be trained in the STTP who are not. I know that some of this is because of my teaching at the University where we used some of the tenets of the STTP in clinical practice or as you may have been introduced to the niche population of tongue thrust. This does NOT give you the authorization to use the STTP or train using the STTP in your clinical practice.

Now let me tell you why.

The Stone Tongue Thrust Protocol (STTP) is proprietary because of the structure and combination of education, muscle isolation, training sequence, intensity and OUTCOMES. We are consistently able to ELIMINATE tongue thrust in an average of 7-10 sessions with no regression. There is no other treatment method that has clinical data that supports those outcomes and especially in that time frame and the reason is because they do not have the proprietary formula.

I am not trying to be a big shot know it all expert. It is imperative that we maintain the integrity of the outcomes by ensuring that those who are using the STTP are trained in the ENTIRE formula and have the knowledge, expertise and skill to get those same outcomes.  If you have not completed the training and competency skill assessment to demonstrate that you have that knowledge, expertise and skill then you are not certified and you need to cease and desist using the STTP until you are.

I have had certification students validate the value of this certification and training process who were previously “trained” by someone in their clinic who had been exposed to the STTP either by me or by another clinician and they were not doing it correctly. They did not understand the protocol. They were not getting results. If you are going to use the STTP in your clinical toolbox you MUST be certified in the protocol. It is essential to protect the integrity of the protocol as well as the clinicians who are certified.

Consider becoming a Certified STTP Clinician!

I am in no way trying to withhold valuable, effective clinical methods! I WANT everyone to be a Certified STTP Clinician. However, it isn’t for everyone. Not everyone wants to work with the niche tongue thrust population.  But if you do, this certification is the most valuable you can have because…

You will be trained in the identification, assessment, diagnosis and treatment of tongue thrust

You will be able to achieve the unprecedented, duplicateable, efficient and effective outcomes of the STTP

You can freely and openly use the name, reputation, and outcomes of the Stone Tongue Thrust Protocol in your clinical practice and niche marketing

You and your clinic will be listed on the StoneTongueThrustProtocol.com website where clients and referral sources look for the certified experts in tongue thrust

You will have access to ongoing education, mentoring and support offered only to Certified Clinicians

The Certification process is extensive, but every single person who has completed it agrees that it is so valuable and extensive that they couldn’t imagine doing it without (some had tried).

Your first tongue thrust client will pay for your certification! Everything after that is profit and growth! I can’t think of any other certification I have had that pays for itself so immediately.

Finally, you no longer have to schedule a 3 day workshop, travel, and take time off work, in order to become certified. The STTP Training Center is now online and allows 2 months to complete the training, skill development, and competencies. So convenient, so affordable, and YES so effective!

That’s how we roll! There’s not a lot of fluff.  There’s no BS.  Once you are trained and CERTIFIED you are welcome to use the STTP, market with the STTP, share your results with the STTP. In the meantime, please CEASE and DESIST until you have completed the Certification.

Information about STTP Courses can be found at StoneTongueThrustProtocol.com. You can also like and follow us on Facebook at Stone Tongue Thrust Protocol: STTP Training Center for information, announcements and community.

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