
Online courses for parents and professionals to eliminate tongue thrust quickly and permanently

Have you been told you have a tongue thrust

and now you are wondering …

We are here for you with answers and solutions to eliminate Tongue Thrust quickly and permanently

Eliminate tongue thrust at any age

This site is designed to be a resource for anyone seeking information about the identification, diagnosis, and treatment of tongue thrust. To best serve you, tell us if you are a professional looking for diagnosis and treatment tools; or a parent/client who is looking for a qualified professional or information about tongue thrust

  • Training Courses
  • Certification Course
  • Affiliate Clinics
  • Prevention
  • Parent Mediated Intervention
  • Find a Certified Practitioner

What Professionals are saying about the STTP

“I highly recommend Stone Tongue Thrust Protocol. It is effective and the exercises are thoroughly described. I especially like this protocol because it is easy to follow and teach. It also provides handouts (both instructional and homework exercises), presentations, and videos. It is my go-to protocol for tongue thrust!” ~Kat 

We understand the frustration of receiving a diagnosis and not knowing where to turn as a parent. We also understand what it is like to be a professional who is not equipped to treat the specialized needs of tongue thrust.

Tongue thrust is a widely misunderstood and poorly treated condition of the tongue posture which effects oral development, sometimes speech and eventually swallowing. There is a great deal of misinformation and myths about tongue thrust. There’s more to it than simply placing the tongue in the correct place (we’ll explain why). It doesn’t take a year to eliminate a tongue thrust (our average is 7 sessions). You don’t need “tune ups” to maintain the new new posture (elimination done right is permanent). Whether you are a parent looking for solutions or a professional looking for tools you have come to the right place. We are here for you to provide a competent and complete solution that you can be confident in, no matter what.